Treviso and its surroundings

Treviso’s countryside, evidence of a glorious past

The entire territory of the province of Treviso if full of old and small villages which conceal inestimable artistic and architectural masterpieces. The history of Marca Trevigiana is ancient and is intimately connected with that of the Serenissima Republic of Venice. The latter, in fact, used to extend its dominion throughout Veneto up to the 18th Century.

In particular, Treviso was vital for the Republic: it used to produce wheat as well as building materials and timber to build boats from its land. In this period, therefore, there was an important development of the territory. Thousands of villas, churches, and buildings were built and they still remain evidence of a glorious past.


The heart of romantic and poetic visions

Asolo can surely be considered one of the most fascinating villages of Marca Trevigiana, in which elements of agricultural culture coexist with art and culture. In particular, in the summertime, whilst strolling through the streets that clamber up the hill, dominated by the cliff, and admiring the fabulous patrician buildings (like the Castle of Regina Cornaro), it is possible to be inebriated by the scent of the surrounding countryside: the freshly cut grass, the flowers in the gardens, the fruit trees in blossom.

Due to the feelings that this little town evokes in its visitors, Asolo was, and still is, a source of inspiration for painters, musicians, and artists in general from all over the world: Robert Browning, Eleonora Duse, Freja Stark…

Castelfranco and the Giorgione

A walled city, on the border with Marca and the native land of Giorgione

The village of Castelfranco Veneto is characterized by its impressive medieval crenelated walls. The front wall is decorated with 18th Century statues, including one of the artist that made this village famous throughout the world, Giorgione, which is situated in the islet.

Inside the walls, there are various medieval houses and the Cathedral, a work made by Francesco Maria Preti during the 18th Century, which preserves the most important work by Giorgione: the famous “Madonna on the Throne”. It is considered one of the most beautiful altarpieces of the Italian 16th Century. Other works inside the Cathedral are by Jacopo da Bassano, Palma il Giovane, Annibale Carracci, and Paolo Veronese. Don’t miss the Academic Theatre in Castelfranco, a splendid example of a little theatre of the 18th Century.

Ormelle e San Polo di Piave

Two little towns, proof of history and tradition

Just before river Piave, at the feet of Conegliano hills, there are several villages that have a common history and a common social development. This is the case of Ormelle and San Polo di Piave. Of the two villages, the oldest one is the center of San Polo di Piave. Its church, dedicated to Saint George, is full of 15th Century frescos that portray Saint George’s life.

In San Polo you can admire the Villa and Park of Papadopoli, a rare example of real realization of Francesco Bagnara’s scenic pictorial art, from 1850. Whereas in Ormelle, the 12th Century Templar’s Church is a must-see. To the visitor, the building is striking for its shapes and dimensions that recall a far Middle Age, thanks to its isolated location in the surrounding countryside.


The birthplace of Antonio Canova

Possagno was the homeland of Antonio Canova. He was deeply fond of his homeland and he wanted to build the Temple of Canova at his own expenses, majestically erected as a protection for the town. The remains of the artist and of his brother now rest inside it. At the feet of the stairs that connect the church to the city center, there is the Plaster Cast Gallery. Thanks to the contrast between the statues here preserved and the colors of its walls, an almost metaphysical feeling of surrealism can be felt. The Plaster Cast Gallery is connected to Canova’s home and during the ‘50s, a wing designed by Carlo Scarpa was added on, where sketches, gypsums, and preliminary works made by the artist are held. A tip for those who enjoy fine food: stop for a meringue with whipped cream at Aurora patisserie, situated in the square of the village.

Vittorio Veneto

Not only a symbol of history and culture, but also of the great value of our soldiers.

Vittorio Veneto was the result of the union between two medieval districts, Ceneda and Serravalle, and it was formally founded in 1866. The main attractions of the first district include Piazza Flaminio, the 18th Century cathedral of Ceneda, the Museum of the Battle in the Palazzo della Comunità Cenedese made by Sansovino and the San Martino Castle.

Serravalle is, instead, the best-preserved old town center of the entire Veneto region. The main attractions are the Minuci-De Carlo Palace in which are preserved artworks, tapestry, ancient furniture; the ex-Hospital built in the 14th Century, and the Cathedral, with Tiziano’s altarpiece. Vittorio Veneto is the “city of music”, in fact, the municipality organizes many national musical events throughout the year.


Outpost of the Serenissima Republic of Venice

Portobuffolè is the historic-artistic jewel of the Veneto region and it had a remarkable growth during the Venetian era. This little village, in fact, had a strategic position between the borders of Marca Trevigiana and Friuli. This is demonstrated by the presence of many Lions of Venice. Among them, one of the most interesting ones is the one that adorns the overdoor of Monte di Pietà. Of the few Lions of Saint Mark (the symbol of Venice), this one is depicted with a terrifying appearance, in order to scare enemies during the war. In the old town center, a must-see is Casa Gioia in Piazza Beccaro, with its mullions that are supported by beautiful and elegant little columns with lotus-shaped capitals. Of Portobuffolè’s seven towers, only the Town Council Tower, made during the 10th Century, remains.

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