Contacts and directions to reach the BHR Hotel Treviso

Best Western Premier BHR Treviso Hotel

Via Postumia Castellana, 2 – 31055 Quinto di Treviso (TV)

Tel. +39 0422 3730
Fax +39 0422 373999
chat: +39 366 3457753

How to reach the hotel

By Car:
On the A27 Mestre-Belluno Motorway, connected to the A4 Turin-Trieste Motorway, take the Treviso Sud exit. Follow the ring road towards Castelfranco-Vicenza. Turn right onto the S.R. 53 Postumia Road. The hotel is situated about 200 mt on your left. GPSCoordinates: Latitude 45.668495 – Longitude 12.1802

By Train:
Treviso Centrale railway station, situated on the line Venice-Udine-Trieste and Milan-Udine, is only 4 km away. A private transfer service is available upon reservation to pick up you at train station, the rates for the service are specified on transfer service section below. Alternatively taxi service is available without reservation outside the train station.

By Plane:
Treviso Canova Airport is only 2 km away: Venice Marco Polo International Airport is only 30 km away. A private transfer service is available upon reservation to pick up you on both airports, the rates for the service are specified on transfer service section below. Alternatively taxi service is available without reservation outside the train station.

Best Western Premier BHR Treviso Hotel offers free outdoor and indoor car park for up to 600 vehicles. The hotel also provides with a private CCTV-monitored garage, daily fee Euro 15,00 per car. Parking lots for buses available. The Event Department arranges preferred rates for groups.

Tranfer Service
Best Western Premier BHR Treviso Hotel provides private transfer services, on request. Download the following file and discover the rates.

A surcharge of 20% applies in case of night service (from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am), Sundays and bank holidays.
A surcharge of 40% applies in case of night service + holidays.
Up to 30 minutes waiting time included.